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Our Campus


Northernfin is situated at Labourdonnais Village, Mapou, and is easily accessible from the main motorway in the north. The school is built on a beautiful site with rich vegetation and well-kept gardens. The buildings are designed to allow for plenty of natural light and are well aerated to provide healthy learning environments for our students both indoor and out.

The main campus includes dedicated Primary School and High School sections, each with numerous subject classrooms and a library. Our High School section also includes four science labs, two computer suites, two specialist art studios, a design technology workshop, a drama room, an exam room and an assembly hall. The main campus also houses an administration centre, two staff rooms, a canteen, a school shop and a medical centre. Our Pre Nursery campus is within walking distance and provides a similar natural environment for learning and play for our youngest learners.

The canteen is operated by the school and provides a healthy menu for lunches and snacks. Our school kitchen team consists of seven professionals who prepare fresh meals every day on site. As well as a range of wholesome, nutritious and delicious snacks and meals for all, the team also provides for students with special dietary needs, such as vegetarian or dairy free meals.

It is possible for parents to place an order for the lunches on the Northfields App.

Northfields School Library and Media Centre provides a flexible space with a wide and inclusive range of resources to support learning and teaching throughout the school. It also provides a place for collaborative learning, creativity, and for developing independent research and information literacy skills.

Our librarian is always here to assist the students in finding the best resources they need, and several computers are available for students to continue their research online.

Our media centre has computers available for students that need to continue their research online.

Northfields has a well-equipped medical centre that provides care and first aid to the students in need, under the supervision of a full time qualified nurse. Parents are informed by the nurse if a student’s issue is serious or if the student needs to be sent back home. For any emergency, the school has arrangements with hospitals located near the school.

Our nurse is aware of all specific medical issues of our students and also if some of them needs specific treatment and care.

Parents can contact our nurse for any information or questions.

Northfields School Shop is located on the school premises. It offers a full and complete personal fitting out service for new and existing pupils. In addition to Northfields uniform and sports kit, the shop stocks various types of equipment and stationary items and offers a comprehensive range of products for all subjects. All current pupils and parents are welcome to call in during opening hours to purchase top up uniform and school supplies.

We regret we are unable to allow sales without payment. Please note we accept cash, cheque or bank transfer.

Appointments are essential and it is advisable to pre-book early as the shop gets very busy during peak times.

Our sports grounds include a soccer pitch, a basketball court, and 2 additional multi-purpose courts. In addition, the Primary section includes a separate safe and well-equipped play area.

The adjacent sports clubs provide us with access to excellent resources for a number of sporting activities as part of our Physical Education programme and for extra-curricular activities.


These facilities include a 25m swimming pool, numerous tennis courts, full-sized rugby and football fields, as well as cricket nets and cricket pitch.

MODERN business
We spend one-third of our life at work.

Northernfin Ltd is a publicly listed company in Mauritius, focused on education through its flagship institution, Northfields School. We invest in quality learning environments, innovative curricula, and the holistic development of future generations.

Northernfin Ltd

Main road, Labourdonnais Village Mapou 31803 Mauritius

TEL +230 5932 3361